Thursday, 21 March 2013

More Prince News and Gossip

Alexander O'Neal - 'If You Were Here Tonight'

Everybody loves a good old 80's Slow Jam and Alexander O'Neal was running things back in the 80's with a string of R&B hits.

I was around 11 years old when 'If You Were Here Tonight' was a hit back in 1986.  All the R&B heads loved this track and it was pretty successful mainstream in the UK, reaching number 13 in the singles charts.  I'm a fan of Alexander, he released some unforgettable classics.  However, 'If You Were Here Tonight' was just pure 80's lush.  The grown folk would get all smoochy and loved up at parties to this, whilst the kids would swing to synths and sing "If you could only know my feelings.  You would know how much I doo beeelieeve".  

Check out the video for a full flavour of the 80's.  The clothes, Alexander's moustache.  Love it!